Disclousure "Mind control"

Here in this blog you will find subjects like:

Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hipnose Regressiva - Contato com um Ser Extraterrestre

Hipnose Regressiva - Contato com um Ser Extraterrestre - Hipnóloga Cassyah Faria

Tags: Evolução Espiritual 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Dúvidas próprias desta época

Dúvidas próprias desta época 




  Tags: Pai natal, natal 2012, fim de ano 2012, 2013, miguel sousa tavares, niltom, porto, lisboa, lisbon, pedro passos coelho, governo, freguesias, greve, desemprego, trabalho, caridade social, mudar de vida, prós e contras, coca cola, google, facebook, mercedes benz, nazi, bmw, barack obama, oprah winfrey, cia, fbi, 911, massonaria, masson, maçon, futebol, cristiano ronaldo, consciencia, politica, vaticano, angola, luanda, bic, banco, bancos, duarte lima, millenium bcp, millennium bcp, bcp, caixa geral de depósitos, galp, edp, secret stories 3, rtp1, rtp2, sic, tvi, cavaco silva.

Hierarquia no Mundo Espiritual

Hierarquia no Mundo Espiritual Parte 1/2 

Parte 2


Universo Espírita: Gnomos, fadas e elementais

Universo Espírita: Gnomos, fadas e elementais

Há alguns anos atrás, conheci uma rapariga que dizia que acreditava em fadas; eu pensei para mim, esta pessoa está fora da realidade. Hoje, com a evolução espiritual que tenho tido, percebo como temos sido manipulados por quem faz os filmes a respeito das fadas, gnomos, duendes e elementais, o que nos é mais dificil acreditar que eles existem. Dentro de muito pouco tempo, as pessoas mais evoluidas espiritualmente, poderam ver, sentir e falar com estas entidades e outras. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Drª Mônica de Medeiros - Crop Circles Vendo além da Forma

Drª Mônica de Medeiros - Crop Circles Vendo além da Forma 


O despertar da vida espiritual

1 de 4 - O despertar da vida espiritual

Parte 2

Parte 3

Part 4

Tags: alegria, amor, felicidade, 2012, 2013, terramotos, sismos, ets, extraterrestres, ciencia oculta, troika, fmi, probreza, desemprego, emprego, espiritual, espiritualidade, governo. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Andromeda Council - INTERNATIONAL

Andromeda Council - International

As 7 Profecias Maias

As 7 Profecias Maias


THE POWER OF HERE-NOW - (Seja feliz aqui e agora)

THE POWER OF HERE-NOW - (Seja feliz aqui e agora) 

 Tags: the power of now, eckhart tolle, oprah winfrey, astro fisica, astrofosica, astronomia, emprego, desemprego, greve, protesto, sindicato, estivadores, troika, fmi, revoloção, revolution, coast to coast am, lingua portuguesa, portugal, portugues, mudar de vida, talento, talentos, the power of love, o poder do amor, seres de luz, alex collier, george kavassilas, bob dean, project camelot, 2012, 2013. human 4th dimension, ouro, gold, economia, economy, zeitgeist, universo, lua, marte, jupiter, et, ets, alien, aliens. others worlds, other worlds, other planets, others planets, sun, sol, artificial intelligence, god, deus, santo, santos, anjo, anjos, tony carreira.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tornado Algarve - Silves Lagoa - Weather Manipulattion

Tornado Algarve - Silves Lagoa - Weather Manipulattion

2012 Solar Cataclysms

Coast to Coast AM Oct 03 2012 Solar Cataclysms 


America's Nazi Secret

Coast to Coast AM - Nov 17 2012 - America's Nazi Secret 


Coast to Coast AM is a North American (U.S. and Canada) late-night radio talk
show that deals with a variety of topics, but most frequently ones that relate to either the paranormal or conspiracy theories. The program currently airs seven nights a week 1:05 a.m. -- 5:00 a.m. Eastern Time (10:05 p.m. -- 2:00 a.m. Pacific Time).

Originally created and hosted by Art Bell, as of 2012 the program is hosted on most nights by George Noory. According to estimates by Talkers Magazine, Coast to Coast AM draws approximately 3 million listeners, making it the most listened-to program in its time slot

Format and subject matter

The Coast to Coast AM format consists of a combination of live callers and long format interviews. The subject matter covers unusual topics and is full of personal stories related to callers. While program content is often focused on paranormal and fringe subjects, sometimes world class scientists such as Michio Kaku and Brian Greene are featured in long format interviews. Topics discussed include the Near-death experience, climate change, cosmology, quantum physics, remote viewing, hauntings, contact with extraterrestrials, psychic reading, metaphysics, conspiracy theories, Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, Bigfoot, the Hollow Earth hypothesis, and science fiction literature, among others. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the events of that day (as well as alternate theories surrounding them) and current U.S. counter-terrorism strategy have also become frequent themes. George Noory, the main host since Art Bell retired, also takes interest in the 2012 phenomenon and believes something will happen.


George Noory hosts the show on weeknights and the first Sunday of every month, while John B. Wells hosts the show on Saturday nights, and Ian Punnett hosts the show on the second Sunday of every month. Las Vegas-based investigative journalist George Knapp hosts the 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month, and when there is a 5th Sunday, Rob Simone, Whitley Strieber or a fill-in will host the show. On some 3rd and 4th Sundays, Simone fills in for George Knapp.

Punnett announced on December 3, 2011 that as of the first of the new year, he will be hosting the show one Sunday a month. He said that he is suffering from tinnitus, increasingly severe and accelerating hearing loss, and headaches, thus prompting
him to take time off for treatment. John B. Wells, best known as a longtime professional voiceover announcer, took over as the Saturday night host.


Date: 11-17-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: John Loftus

Former Justice Department prosecutor John Loftus joined John B. Wells to discuss how the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North America following World War II. His investigation exposes the secret section of the State Dept. that hired members of the wartime government of Byelorussia-- a region of the Soviet Union occupied by Nazi Germany.


John Loftus may know more intelligence secrets than anyone alive. As a former Justice Department prosecutor, Loftus once held some of the highest security clearances in the world, with special access to NATO Cosmic, CIA codeword, and Top Secret Nuclear files. As a private attorney, he works without charge to help hundreds of intelligence agents obtain lawful permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets of our times.

He is the author of four history books, three of which have been made into films, two were international best sellers, and one was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. In 2002, the Showtime channel will begin filming Secret Wars, the pilot of a television series based on John's life story. As a U.S. Army officer, John helped train Israelis, he investigated CIA cases and Nazi war criminals for the Attorney General of the United States. In 1982, his 60 Minutes expose of Nazis on the US government payroll won the Emmy Award for outstanding investigative journalism.

Tags: maçonaria, zionism, estado, nazi secrets, segredos nazis, spy, barack obama, oprah winfrey, alex collier, consciencia, george kavassilas, gaza war, israel, petreus.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Magical Egypt - The Invisible Science

Magical Egypt - The Invisible Science


Alex Collier: Defendendo a Terra Sagrada

Alex Collier 1: Defendendo a Terra Sagrada

Part 2

Part 3

ets, et, alien, aliens, extraterrestres, greve, protesto, manifestação, estivadores, troika, fmi, 2013, 2014, historia do planeta terra .


Remote Viewing Mars ~ Oct 16 2012

Coast 2 Coast AM: Remote Viewing Mars ~ Oct 16 2012 


Seminário Transição Planetária 2012 - Divaldo Franco

Seminário Transição Planetária 2012 - Divaldo Franco GO - parte 1 

 Part 2

Part 3

Remote Viewing & Rock Stars

Main Show Only - Remote Viewing & Rock Stars 


A Maçonaria e o Espiritismo - Divaldo Pereira Franco

A Maçonaria e o Espiritismo - Divaldo Pereira Franco 


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Who is God - (Quem é Deus) Legendado para o inglês

Who is God - (Quem é Deus) Legendado para o inglês 


Steve Quayle "Spider Web"

Steve Quayle "Spider Web" 


Mars Update & Open Lines 2012

Coast to Coast AM - Nov 2 2012 - Mars Update & Open Lines 2012 C2CAM 


George Kavassilas - Spiritual Deception, False 'love and light', Our Planetary Being - Red Ice Radio

George Kavassilas - Spiritual Deception, False 'love and light', Our Planetary Being - Red Ice Radio 


tags: george kavassilas, spiritual awareness, love, 2013, planetary, barack obama, oprah winfrey, futebol, merkel, coca cola, bmw, mercedes benz, mitsubishi, bank . 

David Wilcock: Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development

David Wilcock: Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development





December 21, 2012 - What will happen

December 21, 2012 - What will happen



Tags: troika, fmi, greve tap, greve portugal, governo, government, cristiano ronaldo, greve geral cgtp, greve policias. greve forças armadas

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don Alejandro talks about The Shift of the Ages

Don Alejandro talks about The Shift of the Ages

DAVID ICKE - Total Financial COLLAPSE and Public ENSLAVEMENT is Unfolding Now!

DAVID ICKE - Total Financial COLLAPSE and Public ENSLAVEMENT is Unfolding Now!

Mayan Council of Elders Reveals Truth 2012 Mayan Calendar

Mayan Council of Elders Reveals Truth 2012 Mayan Calendar 1/5
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
tags; alex collier, george kavassilas, mayan calendar, calendario maia, andromeda council, ets, et, et´s, alien, universe, world, david wilcock, david icke, 2012, fbi, cia, nasa, eugenics program, tsf, atletic madrid, cristiano ronaldo, jose mourinho, google, facebook, twitter, jordan maxwell, project camelot, bob dean, jesus, god, vatican, vaticano, igreja

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

António Borges - Goldman Sachs

,Depois da afirmação de António Borges sobre dizer que os empresários serem Ignorantes, para mim o maior problema é que não atingiram o que ele quis dizer, para mim foi um aviso, que 99% das pessoas não atingiram.

Os empresários esquecem-se que estão no seu mundinho, seguindo a vibração do dinheiro e da ganancia por mais dinheiro, explorando os trabalhadores e ele tem apenas informação de que voçês nem sonham, apesar de não gostar destes senhores da Goldman Sachs. Depois de já terem saído em vários midia, a Goldman Sachs é gerida pelos Illuminati e o António Borges, é apenas alguns dos milhares de funcionários, incluidos banqueiros que estão e vão ser despedidos, pois já não são precisos mais. Eles sabem que o tempo dos Illuminati e da escravidão Humana está a acabar. Uma coisa é certa, estivemos em "mind control", controlados pelos banqueiros, pelas 13 familias e pelo vaticano e eles fizeram-no muito bem. Por que é que todos os anos aparecem os bilionários e não aparecem os trilionários? Por que os trilionários são quem governáram este planeta, desde milhares de anos e chamava muito a atenção.

Os próximos meses seram duros, mas no fim será por uma boa causa, o povo tem que acordar que o sistema que temos é obsoleto e desactualizado e não funciona e a prova disso mesmo foram as monarquias, o comunismo e a democracia que sempre sugáram a nossa energia, o nosso trabalho e os nossos resultados (dinheiro) e pelo dinheiro vendemos a nossa alma. Aparecem todos os dias de fato, e 80% das pessoas levanta-se cedo, tambem poder lhes dar de comer a eles ao fim do mês.

Acordem Portugueses, por que senão vão passar fome e sede e os vossos filhos iram gritar por comida e água e não teram para lhes dar.

Alguem inteligente, dizia-me à dias: Ignorancia é sinónimo de Sofrimento. Cada vez mais, vejo que isso é verdade.

Tenham uma vida Feliz e peçam a Deus, orientação e ajuda para mostrar a verdade que nos tem sido escondida, mas tem que ser voçê mesmo a fazer essa procura.

Não precisa de ir a nenhuma igreja nem pertencer a nenhuma seita (religião). Qualquer sitio serve, pois voçê nunca esteve sozinho(a), acredite!

Alguem que vos Ama!

Tags: deus, jesus, amor, antonio borges, rtp1, pros e contras, rtp2, siv, tvi, ricardo araujo pereira, economia, troika, greve, revolução, edp, galp, marcelo rebelo de sousa, bilionários, cristiano ronaldo, jose mourinho, futebol club porto, sporting club portugal, idolos portugal, sport lisboa benfica, mind control, politica, pedro passos coelho, psd, ps, bloco de esquerda, partido comunista, scuds, jornal expresso, tsf, orçamento de estado 2013,ministro economia, ministro finanças vitor gaspar, 2013,função publica, emprego, desemprego, pobreza, vaticano, fatima, ascendi, duarte lima, submarinos, estado

Friday, October 12, 2012

Petrus Romanus Prophecy of the Popes with Tom Horn (June 3, 2012)

 Petrus Romanus Prophecy of the Popes with Tom Horn (June 3, 2012)

Coast to Coast AM 2012.06.03 Prophecy of the Popes

Host: George Noory
Guests: Tom Horn

Author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy, Tom Horn, discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes, and how 2012 will be the fulfillment of St. Malachy's prediction that the Catholic Church will see one final Pope before its destruction. Almost 900 years ago, the Irish seer, St. Malachy, came to Rome and "suddenly had this frenzied vision in which he wrote down the descriptives of every Pope that would ever exist from his day to the final Pope," Horn reported. According to Malachy's prophesied list, the next Pope after the current one (Pope Benedict) will be the last one, #112. This final Pope, Petrus Romanus (or Peter the Roman) will lead the Church into the great tribulation period and the destruction of Rome. Some Catholic mystics believe he will be an infiltrator under Satanic control. Evangelical prophecy refers to this person as the "False Prophet" who helps to usher in the Antichrist, Horn continued.

If an Italian is voted in as the next Pope, that could be the fulfillment of Malachy's prophecy, Horn noted, adding that a number of church scholars going back hundreds of years have cited 2012 as the year when the False Prophet emerges. This timing coincides with other prophetic material such as from the Mayans, and Cherokee, as well as the Kabbalah's Zohar book, which named 2012 as the year when the Messiah returns, he detailed. Further, in 1951, a French Jesuit named Rene Thibaut, a codebreaker and mathematician, verified the accuracy of Malachy's predictions, and calculated that Petrus Romanus would arrive in 2012.

Horn also spoke about the late Father Malachi Martin's warning of a secret plan by the "Illuminati/Freemasons" to infiltrate the Vatican and use it to bring about a New World Order. A friend of Martin's, Father Alfred Kunz, was murdered, and Martin believed he was killed by Satanists at the Vatican. The case is still unsolved, and Horn has investigated the possible conspiracy.

tags: vaticano, vatican, fatima, alex collier, george kavassilas, illuminati

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Mayan Ouroboros, Transmutation Into 4D Beings

Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Mayan Ouroboros, Transmutation Into 4D Beings pt.1-2 

July 7, 2012
Drunvalo is the author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one The Mayan Ouroboros. Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human body light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba. He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries. He joins us to discuss the end of the Mayan Calendar and what the Earth is leading into as one cycle closes and another begins. Melchizedek tells us about a transformation on Earth that will take place, unlike any other. We'll experience physical, spiritual and frequency changes as we mature and transfigure into different beings. Drunvalo also talks about the sun, crop circles, catastrophe and Atlantis.

Alex Collier - Radio Interview with Rebecca Jernigan - 11th September 2012

Alex Collier - Radio Interview with Rebecca Jernigan - 11th September 2012 

Please check out http://www.alexcollier.org for all of Alex Collier's presentations, interviews, contact Alex or the site creator, download a copy of his first book 'Defending Sacred Ground' and also donate to help Alex Collier directly.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can We Trust The Bible

Can We Trust The Bible Part 1 

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

tags: the bible, bible, illuminati

Sfida alla Elite e scandali in Vaticano

Sfida alla Elite e scandali in Vaticano

tags: vaticano, italia, festival venezia, andrea buceli, eros ramazzotti, laura pausini, antonacci.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New World Order Agenda

New World Order Agenda

tags: new world order, illuminati, reptillian agenda, reptilian, alien, aliens, et, ets, et´s, extraterrestres, david icke, david wilcock, george kavassilas, alex collier, tolec, andromeda council, economic crisis,  gold, ouro, silver, prata, food, comida, water, água, crise economica, starving, starvation, hunger.

Reincarnation & Past Lives

Reincarnation & Past Lives


Military Remote Viewing

Military Remote Viewing - 05-31-2012 


Prophecy of the Popes

Prophecy of the Popes - 06-03-2012

tags: vaticano 2012, vatican 2012, vatican, vaticano, igreja, church, barack obama, oprah winfrey, oprah winfrey show, william, harry, lady gaga, madonna, real madrid, london, cia, fbi, illuminati, maçonaria.

Natural Solutions & Treatments

Natural Solutions & Treatments - 06-26-2012 


Apocalyptic Thinking & Collapse of the Dollar

Apocalyptic Thinking & Collapse of the Dollar

Date: 07-03-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Chris Duane, Mathew Gross

In the first half of the show, media strategist Mathew Gross talked about the rise of apocalyptic thinking in America, and how it has become part of mainstream cultural dialogue both on the left and the right. While many Christians believe in the events foretold in the book of Revelation, a lot of secular Americans have also become attached to Doomsday ideations, such as associated with global warming/climate change, peak oil, and the disintegration of civilization, he noted. Out of this, the "prepper" movement-- those practicing survivalism and preparendess, has taken off.

There are some positive aspects to the American apocalyptic narrative. It instills the need to change "or else something terrible is going to happen," said Gross, who noted that areas such as climate, banking and energy are in a precarious state, and the potential for catastrophe is high. On the negative side, apocalyptic ideas are often dismissed out-of-hand as unlikely, but conversely many who believe in coming disasters become paralyzed, and unable to take action, he reported. Fear is often used to manipulate the public, especially in the post 9-11 world, and Gross suggested that people look at such fears with rationality, and examine the evidence for how likely any given scenario actually is, and make decisions based on that.


In the latter half, founder of the Sons of Liberty Academy, Chris Duane, warned of the coming collapse of the US dollar due to the massive amount of increasing debt. He foresees the falling of weaker currencies first, leading to a domino effect that will see the eventual collapse of the dollar, which he characterized as "the single largest event in human history," as the world's economies are tied to the dollar. All the central banks are privately owned by families such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and as a result they own the world, and are responsible for the debt paradigm, he asserted.

Interestingly, Duane contended that a real economic recovery can't begin until after the collapse. To steer clear, he suggested that people walk away from toxic investments, careers, and relationships, and move their assets out of paper and into tangibles such as silver. He believes silver will have use in bartering after the dollar falls, and people can start collecting it simply by visiting their local coin store. For more, check out videos on Duane's YouTube channel, The Greatest Truth Never Told.

MERLIN Project/ Prophecy & Hidden Agendas

MERLIN Project/ Prophecy & Hidden Agendas - 07-07-2012 

Date: 07-07-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Paul Guercio, Stan Johnson

John B. Wells welcomed futurist Paul Guercio for an update on the MERLIN Project in the first half. Then, radio host and pastor Stan Johnson, discussed the nature of time, prophecy for the United States, and why he believes CERN has a hidden agenda to open a wormhole to other dimensions.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Corporate Greed/ Media Manipulation

Corporate Greed/ Media Manipulation - 07-22-2012 


Corrupted Politics

Corrupted Politics

tags: cristiano ronaldo, jose mourinho, tony carreira, miguel sousa tavares, plano inclinado, miguel relvas, marcelo rebelo de sousa

Financial Crisis Special

Financial Crisis Special

tags: financial colapse, financial crisis, portugal, porto, oporto, lisboa, lisbon, aveiro, coimbra, algarve, faro, vale do lobo, vilamoura, bragança, pedro passos coelho, psd, ps, rtp1, rtp2, sic, tvi, sete maravilhas portugal, greve, protesto, herman jose 2012, continente, jumbo, pingo doce, tsf, politica, fatima portugal, igreja, casa da musica, universidade porto, universidade coimbra, universidade lisboa, futebol club porto, sport lisboa benfica, sporting, ouro, gold, silver prata, dolce vita shopping, escola de musica, arte, 2012, equitação, viseu, guarda, castelo branco, açores, alberto joao jardim, durao barroso, pedro passos coelho, cavaco silva, edp, edp gas, pt, portugal telecom.


Steve Quayle "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE"(1 of 2)

Part 2

From the Seen, into the Unseen
8.11.2012 on The Hagmann Report

as The Veil thins, the battle lines blur, between the Physical Conflict and the Spiritual War


Monday, September 3, 2012

The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider

The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider

Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970's which would change his whole world reality immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990's by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, Neil Gould and Cynthia Drayer (Phil's Ex-Wife).

In this documentary you will find never before published photo's of Phil's Autopsy, documents about the Philadelphia Experiment from Oscar Schneider's files (Phil's father) and a very well explained background about Underground Bases.