Disclousure "Mind control"
Here in this blog you will find subjects like:
Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.
Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A Verdade sobre os Alimentos OMG (transgénicos)
Importante documentário sobre os alimentos transgênicos, e sobre uma das
maiores industrias de agrotóxicos, com apoio de organismos
internacionais, que desenvolve esses alimentos.
Assassinos Coroados
Assassinos Coroados - Ocultismo: A toca do coelho 1
Assassinos Coroados: Ocultismo e conexão Nazi 2
Assassinos Coroados - Sacrifícios humanos 3
Assassinos Coroados - Magia Negra 4
Assassinos Coroados O Selo de Salomão e o Grimório Goética 5
Transição planetária na visão quantica
Transição planetária na visão quantica
tags: policia, governo, greve, fisica quantica, quantica fisica, revolução, controlo de massas, escravidão humana, escravos do sistema, lisboa, porto, coimbra, amadora, setubal, consciencia cosmica, tedx oporto, tedx lisbon, jose socrates, religião, vaticano, fatima, tsf, impostos, fmi, gasolina, gasoleo, telenovela, idolos, manuel luis goucha, sonia araujo, londres 2012, economia, big brother brasil, big brother portugal, jogos olimpicos 2012, europa, vodafone, optimus, tmn, telemoveis
Nazismo & Ocultismo
Nazismo & Ocultismo 1
Nazismo & Ocultismo 2
Nazismo & Ocultismo 3
Nazismo & Ocultismo 4
Nazismo & Ocultismo 5
Este documentário revela informações sobre o nazismo que até então eram
mantidas escondidas do conhecimento do grande público, se vc acha que
não está preparado para ter acesso a esse tipo de informação, se essas
informações podem te ofender ou ir em contra de sua forma de pensar,
recomendamos que não assista a esse documentário.
Para quem
assistiu ao documentário Jogo Final vai poder compreender melhor as
nuances deste documentário sobre o ocultismo no nazismo, servindo não só
de base mas de estandarte da última tentantiva frustrada da elite de
implantar uma nova ordem mundial.
entenderá dentre outras coisas porque se atribui a los illuminati símbolos ocultistas.
a divisão e posterior rivalidade entre os illuminati socialistas, os
fabianos do Reino Unido e os nacionais socialistas do lll Reich
e vai poder entender porque Hitler rivalizou também com os illuminati maçons e porque perseguiu a população judia.
um documentário que vem comprovar as informações fornecidas sobre a nova ordem mundial.
ERRATA: Orson Welles
Andromeda Council: Comet 17P Holmes as prelude to 4th dimensional Earth
Andromeda Council: Andromeda Council: Comet 17P Holmes as prelude to 4th dimensional Earth
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed by the interviewee in these articles are not the views of ExopoliticsTV. Readers are encouraged to exercise independent research and judgment. In the view of ExopoliticsTV, the "Andromeda Council" may be in fact an assumed name by a terrestrial or non-terrestrial inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true galactic governance council.
Andromeda Council: The facts about life as a 4th dimensional human
Andromeda Council - The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed by the interviewee in these articles
are not the views of ExopoliticsTV. Readers are encouraged to exercise
independent research and judgment. In the view of ExopoliticsTV, the
"Andromeda Council" may be in fact an assumed name by a terrestrial or
non-terrestrial inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true
galactic governance council.
Andromeda Council: 11.11.11 & the facts about life as a 4th dimensional human
tags: london 2012 olympics, justin bieber, lady gaga, rhianna, google, facebook, twitter, india, china, spain, espanha, portugal, angola, brasil, london, american idols, ngo, tv shows, oprah show, bill gates, warren buffet, spirituality, espiritualidade, disney, macdonalds, jeep, furniture, house, home, iates, yachts, beach, tony carreira, cristinano ronaldo, rtp1, rtp2, sic, sic noticias, tvi, hollywood, miami, barack obama, cia, fbi, illuminati, music industry, endemol entretainment, endemol, lua, moon, mars, marte, cavalos, horses, cavalo, horse, musica classica, classic music, mtv, mtv india, mtv portugal, mtv spain, mtv london, flowers, flores, love, adele, amor.
Andromeda Council: Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life [Molecular & Cellular Change]
Andromeda Council: Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life [Molecular & Cellular Change]
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed by the interviewee in these articles
are not the views of ExopoliticsTV. Readers are encouraged to exercise
independent research and judgment. In the view of ExopoliticsTV, the
"Andromeda Council" may be in fact an assumed name by a terrestrial or
non-terrestrial inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true
galactic governance council.
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE READ ARTICLE AT: Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4D Earth
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE READ ARTICLE AT: Andromeda Council: Molecular & Cellular Transformation to a 4D Earth
Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, [Tekoma] brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part I
Andromeda Council: Updates on Comet Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes & 4-D Earth
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed by the interviewee in these articles
are not the views of ExopoliticsTV. Readers are encouraged to exercise
independent research and judgment. In the view of ExopoliticsTV, the
"Andromeda Council" may be in fact an assumed name by a terrestrial or
non-terrestrial inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true
galactic governance council.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part II
Andromeda Council: Updates on Comet Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes & 4 D Earth
CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed by the interviewee in these articles
are not the views of ExopoliticsTV. Readers are encouraged to exercise
independent research and judgment. In the view of ExopoliticsTV, the
"Andromeda Council" may be in fact an assumed name by a terrestrial or
non-terrestrial inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true
galactic governance council.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
UFO Contact, London 2012 Olympics - Tolec Critique
UFO Contact, London 2012 Olympics - Tolec Critique
July 30, 2012
A critique, discussion & review of:
a July 27, 2012 breaking news story & 'transcript' of the "...PLEIADIAN HIGH COUNCIL"
FOUR OTHER GALACTIC COUNCILS", including the Galactic Federation of
Light (GFOL / GFL), and their plans to, "... MAKE FULL CONTACT WITH
And asking the questions - what is this really all about, do these statements in this
news story, and 'transcript,' make sense, do they come from a good loving place, what
is their true intent & motivation... do they empower people? It has been - "DECIDED"
& "ORDERED" ... really, by whom? For who's benefit?
Why would someone say these things?
Is there no agenda in the revealing of this information... this way? I
believe, these questions & more are all fair, reasonable and valid
questions to ask. Of any announced ET event.
tags: ufo contact, alien contact, 2012, coca cola, bmw, mercedes benz, nokia, samsung, tv news, barack obama, oprah winfrey, london 2012 olympics, illuminati, alex collier, alien contactee, et contactee, remote viewing, david wilcock, david icke, george kavassilas, fbi, cia, nsa, ex fbi, ex cia ex nsa, masson, maçon, massonary, maçonaria, ovni, astronomia, extraterrestres, earth changes, american idols, idolos portugal, idolos brasil, idolos angola, uefa, fifa, economia crise, economic crisis, espanha, spain, tacata tacabro, Yo Te Esperare, Cali & El Dandee,
Somebody That I Used To Know, Gotye & Kimbra, angels 2012, angels guaridan, angels, anjo da guarda, universo, sistema solar, solar system, nasa, mit, governo, government, secret government, area 51,
Monday, July 30, 2012
Phil Schneider - D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), Alien Greys, New World Order
Phil Schneider - D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), Alien Greys, New World Order
Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight
between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce
underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be
an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with a
piano wire wrapped around his neck. According to sources, it appeared
that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven
months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had
discovered at Dulce.
This was Phil's last video before being killed. Phil talks about DUMBs, FEMA Camps, The New World Order & More.
tags: alex collier, george kavassilas, cia, nsa, area 51, secret government, andromeda council, barack obama, oprah winfrey, justin bieber, rhianna, american idols, new world order, 2012, economy crisis, politic crisis, greece, fmi, mariah carey, madonna, coca cola, macdonalds, european union, massonary, Freemasonry, freemasson, masonic, illuminati.
Os Auto Escolhidos
Os Auto Escolhidos
Todas as religiões falam de um processo de apocalipse final e de uma
salvação da alma e sua posterior morada nos céus. Mas essa salvação
sempre está condicionada as regras e deveres impostos por essas
religiões de massa.
Qual seria o verdadeiro conceito para uma
alma ser escolhida para sua salvação "eterna"? Qual a melhor religião ou
a verdadeira religião que nos levaria a essa salvação?
conferência o professor Laércio nos mostra como estão distorcidos esses
velhos e escravizantes conceitos. Como as religiões de massa manipulam o
povo através do medo e do terror.
O professor nos mostra que a
verdadeira escolha é interna e ocorre no interior de cada um. Cada um
escolhe seu verdadeiro caminho pela vida espiritual e constrói sua
verdadeira religião dentro de seu coração.
O Mito do Cinturão de Fótons
O Mito do Cinturão de Fótons
Essas e outras questões são abordadas de forma clara e objetiva pelo professor Laércio.
uma formação profissional em Astronomia e Astrofísica o professor nos
mostra de forma clara e desmistifica esse grande mito do esoterismo
Apresentando dados lógicos e científico Laércio nos
mostra como tal teoria não pode ser verdadeira da forma como foi
apresentada por alguns setores do misticismo.
Sempre tentando
fazer uma ponte clara entre ciência e espiritualidade o professor vem
esclarecer de vez essa polêmica sobre a constelação das Plêiades e o
mito do cinturão de fótons.
Near Death Experiences - Guardian Angels
Near Death Experiences - Guardian Angels
A child's Near Death Experience with encounter with an guardian angel.
views of Dr. Melvin Morse, MD who make scientific studies related to
near death experiences, namely those of chidren. Also includes views of
Joan Wester Anderson, an American catholic author of books (including An
angel to watch over me, Guardian Angels, In the arms of angels, The
power of miracles, Angel Stories, Where angels walk, True stories of
heavenly visitors) who featured on United States national TV programs,
including EWTN "Mother Angelica Live".
tags: anjo da guarda, guardian angel, angelico vieira, diane sponser, dalai lama, tibete, angels of light, light beings, seres de luz, idolos, amor, love, google, facebook, twitter, et, ets, extraterrestre.
Angels or Shapeshifting Aliens Discussed !! (coast to coast am)
Angels or Shapeshifting Aliens Discussed !! (coast to coast am)
Angels or Shapeshifting Aliens Discussed !! (coast to coast am)
Transição planetária na visão quantica
Transição planetária na visão quantica
Vídeo Produzido por: Saian Produções Gospel (11) 4544-6577
Palestra Gravada na Casa do Consolador na Vila Mariana - São Paulo
Tema: O futuro da Terra na Visão Quantica
Imagens: Fabiano de Jesus e Sávio Pereira
Edição de Vídeo: Fabiano de Jesus
tags: 4ª dimensão, brazil, portugal, luanda,angola, moçambique, lisboa, porto, coimbra, futebol, vaticano, crise, pedro passos coelho, cavaco silva, governo, 2012, idolos portugal, fogo, incendio, falta de água, fisica quantica, amor, ser feliz, educação, professor, professores, saude, tsf, tsf noticias, futebol club porto, futebol club sporting, sport lisboa benfica, rtp1, rtp2, sic, sic noticias, tvi, manuel luis goucha, jorge gabriel, marcelo rebelo de sousa, cristina ferreira, sónia araujo, filipe vieira, cristiano ronaldo, jose socrates,jose mourinho.
Stewart Swerdlow - The History Of Mind Control
Stewart Swerdlow - The History Of Mind Control
tags: mind control, olympics 2012, barack obama, oprah winfrey, alex collier, andromeda council, george kavassilas, coca cola, bmw, mercedes benz, politic, politica, religion, religião, durão barroso, onu, nasa, cia, egypt, remote viewing, dark matter, freemasson, maçon, brasil, portugal, spain, espanha, brazil, maçonaria, mac donalds, macdonalds, futebol, vatican, vaticano, facebook, google, twitter, john lear, project camelot, gregg, braden, michio kaku, exoplolitics, geopolitics, mind power, haarp, illuminati, disney, jordan maxwell, david icke, david wilcock, et.
Extraterrestrial Hierarchy in our Solar System - Part 1/5 - Pane Andov
Extraterrestrial Hierarchy in our Solar System - Part 1/5 - Pane Andov
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Extraterrestrial Hierarchy in our Solar System - Part 1/5 - Pane Andov
Increased Volume from the original.
and ideas from Pane Andov, otherwise known as MrAstralwalker here on
youtube. Thought provoking material for anyone interested in the
extraterrestrial phenomenon. Pane Andov believes the sun is about to
turn into a red dwalf. More can be found on his website or youtube
Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder : False Flag Events - (July 27th, 2012)
Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder : False Flag Events - (July 27th, 2012)
Please visit: http://www.sirius.neverendinglight.com/
Steven Greer's blog: http://drgreersblog.disclosureproject.org/
False Flag Events and Their Danger
Steven Greer and Dr. Ted Loder will discuss false flag events which are
hoaxed ET events made to demonize the Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Having primed the public with scary "alien invasion" movies by the
score, what is next on the agenda?
Former President Reagan's
remark about humanity uniting to fight a common "alien threat" does not
protect humanity but it does promote lots of money flowing to the
military industrial complex.
Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder will drill
down on what is being presented to the public now and why it is so
dangerous. The threat is not recognizing it for what it is. Listen in.
**This interview belongs to 'The World Puja Network' (http://www.worldpuja.org/home.php).
All credit for this interview goes to 'The World Puja Network' and
Steven Greer. I have uploaded this because I believe as many people as
possible need to hear it.**
Hello everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. Some of us realize it, some of us don't, but we are currently in the middle of a massive transformation for humanity. Probably the biggest ever.The deeds you do, the things you say, even the thoughts you think all carry weight in this time of huge significance. Through my research I've concluded there is such thing as evil (I used to scoff at that word), and it's a force that has infected the hearts and minds of many. I believe we must now confront, challenge and resist all falsehood. Floating through life in a passive, self-centered state (as I've done for almost my entire life) is truly a recipe for disaster. To a large extent we've been deliberately conditioned to be in this debilitating frame of mind. Irrespective, we must snap out of our collective trance and actually see what's going on around us. If not, it's a matter of time before we're face to face with genuine evil and it's destructive intentions.
It's time to wake up! You don't have to go out there and protest or start rallies (you can if you want), because even reading or talking to people about real issues is a HUGE step in the right direction. You don't have to commit to it full time. There just needs to be enough people dedicating enough time for mass-awakening to take place. Time is short. Make it count. From this life to the next.
GEORGE KAVASSILAS Recordando nuestro viaje Universal
GEORGE KAVASSILAS Recordando nuestro viaje Universal
Ciencia y Espíritu VII 8 de Mayo de 2011 Barcelona
George Kavassilas
Kavassilas ha tenido un gran abanico de experiencias que incluyen
viajes a través de las dimensiones de nuestro Universo y ha podido
re-descubrir cómo es la vida realmente aquí en este planeta. Tiene un
significado mucho más profundo de lo que nos imaginemos. George desea
compartir con vosotros durante esta charla sus conocimientos y la
sabiduría ganada durante toda una vida de experiencias extraordinarias.
Ha tenido contacto con razas extraterrestres tanto en este planeta como
fuera de él, y tanto con razas benévolas como con razas malévolas.
También explicará su comprensión del proceso de la de Ascensión y las
dos fases principales de la transformación de nuestro ADN para
convertirnos en Homo-iluminoso o Hu-Mano más correctamente Hombre-Diós
Recordando nuestro viaje universal
- Estás preparado para 2012 y "El Gran Cambio"?
- La estructura del universo, nuestro viaje y el porqué estamos en la Tierra en este momento.
- 2012-2013, La transformación de la Madre Tierra y la Humanidad.
- La gran decepción y las influencias de los E.T.s en este paradigma terrenal.
- La atracción y seducción de ciertas mentalidades colectivas.
- Quiénes son los de la Federación Galáctica de Luz y cuál es su papel?
- La divinidad de lo femenino, su supresión y su olvido.
- Madre Tierra, Padre Sol y sus mensajes para la Humanidad.
http://www.lacajadepandora.org // http://www.tiendapandora.com
tags: Enrique Iglesias, el empleo, el desempleo, la revolución, huelga, Galicia, Barcelona, Madrid, los recortes del gobierno social, político, social, comunidad valenciana, la Comunidad de Madrid, Barcelona, comunidad, español, austeridad
Friday, July 27, 2012
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR)
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 1
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 2
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 3
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 4
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 5
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 6
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 7
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 8
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) - Part 9
William Cooper interviews a 32 DEGREE FREEMASON (CAJI INFILTRATOR) who reveals the NWO plan and ORDER SECRETS
In this fascinating interview, "William Morgan"
Morgan") (not his real name but instead is the name of a freemason in
olden times who was murdered for revealing the secrets of 'the craft' of
Freemasonry) breaks his (nullified by deception) oath and contract
with his Masonic Temple lodge and reveals secrets of the inner workings
of Freemasonry.
1. Police have no power of arrest inside
any Masonic lodge
2. If police arrive 'in uniform' inside of a Masonic lodge, the lodge must be immediately closed.
3. Police who are members of any Masonic lodge may not and do not come inside 'in uniform' or armed and do so willingly.
The Scottish Masonic rite is by far the most popular apparently because
it is most directly connected with 'power' (i.e. 'government') and has
the most members and therefore the most power.
5. The Knights Templar are essentially the
York rite of Freemasonry, involving the
'Temple Bar' from which all Private International Law functions, i.e. the international 'Bar Association' of attorneys
lawyers who 'practice law' for money and who are essentially owned by
the Bar Association and who dare not challenge those in power for fear
of being disbarred, i.e.
being no longer allowed to 'practice law' for money.
6. The Knights of Malta (an offshoot of
the Grand Masonic Lodge) carry diplomatic
passports allowing free travel, free trade
and freedom from all statute law while
acting in their official capacity (which is all the time).
7. Women are not allowed in any meeting,
nor are anyone other than 'white'
people allowed to participate in lodge meetings,
except in special "Prince Lodges".
The Hidden Roots of the European Union
The Hidden Roots of the European Union
This is Henrik Palmgren's first public presentation on "the Hidden Roots
of the European Union" filmed in Bath, UK the 20th of February 2010 at
the ARC Convention (at 9.30 in the morning). We start with the mythology
in this presentation and focus on the story of the Phoenician Princess
Europe and the abduction by Zeus or the Bull. We look at Knossos, Crete,
Snake Goddesses, The Heaven and the Sea, Eve, Idun, the Snake,
Knowledge, Who is Europa? Discussed is the Maritime Connection and
Navigation Symbolism, The Watchers, Eye Symbolism, Bull Leaping, Woman
of the Apocalypse, Mother Mary, Isis, Sun & Moon Symbolism, Statues
and Buildings at the important European centers Strasbourg and Brussels,
the Parliament Building, Louse Wise, Tower of Babel, Venus, Female,
Lucifer, 12 Stars and Flag symbolism, Roman Catholic Connection,
Jesuits, Biblical Symbolism, "All Seeing Europe", Revelations and Bible
Prophecy Fulfilled? The "Apocalypse Program", The Symbolism behind the
Euro €, Revolutionaries & Revolutionary Symbolism, Illuminati,
Historical Unification Attempts in the Past, The "Founding Fathers" of
Europe, The Hapsburgs, Jose Manuel Barroso, Communism, Socialism, EU as
Empire, The Treaty of Rome and the Signing of Blank Pages, The New Holy
Roman Empire, EWPA-128, The Red House Report, Count Richard Cudenhove
Kalergi, Otto von Hapsburg, Paneuropean Union, Paul-Henri Spaak, Baron
Robert Rothschild, Konrad Adenauer, Joseph Bech, Johan Willem Beyen,
Alcide De Gasperi, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Etienne, Viscount
Davignon, "All Roads Lead to Rome", Herman van Rompuy, Prince Philip,
Green Taxes, Signing of the Lisbon Treaty Symbolism, Enlightenment
Symbolism, Knights of Malta, Blackwater, Corruption Allowed.
Recorded on July 26 2012
Tonight on The Truth Hour:
In-Divine-Duality... Join Johnny Guzman and special guest Kate of Gaia
for a deeper look into the deceptions of the English (Angle-ish)
Lange-Gage (tongue-pledge) where we have literally been trapped
spiritually with our own use of THEIR words. See us Live Here on
Facebook, just CLIK on the window to see us... For all of our previous
shows go to our YouTube Channel: QL Television...
O Caminho do Meio
O Caminho do Meio
Na sociedade atual o ser humano vive exclusivamente para servir a
sociedade material de consumo e nada resta no seu dia para o seu lado
O prof. Laércio vem nos mostrar a importância do
equilíbrio e da espiritualidade na vida de cada ser humano. Buda
ensinava o "Caminho do Meio" a todos os seus discípulos e nunca
negligenciou a importância do lado material.
Porém, desde que o
lado espiritual também fosse tratado com a mesma importância do
material. O prof. Laércio, nesta conferência, vem nos explicar o
"Caminho do meio" e como conciliar a vida matéria e a espiritual e
também trabalhar a relação dinheiro e espiritualidade.
Volume 7 Relacionamentos Afetivos: O Ato Sexual Tantrico
Volume 7 Relacionamentos Afetivos: O Ato Sexual Tantrico
Nesta conferência do seminário sobre Tantra, amor, sexo e
espiritualidade o professor Laércio nos mostra como deve ser o
comportamento do casal no ato sexual tântrico.
Como devemos
encarar o ato sexual e como praticar o ato sexual livre de todos os
preconceitos e estarmos prontos para viver as lições do Tantra. Como
formar casais tântricos para a prática do sexo tântrico.
nova linguagem apresentada pelo professor sem dúvida trará uma nova
visão muito mais moderna e ampliada sobre os caminhos do tantra yoga.
Faz-se necessário trazer as velhas práticas para o homem do século XXI
com uma roupagem moderna e mais compreensível para os casais de hoje.
a certeza que essa conferência mudará de forma radical seus conceitos
sobre a sexualidade humana e sobre o relacionamento sexual e afetivo.
Quantum Phisics and Spirituality - Fisica Quantica e Espiritualidade
Física Quântica e Espiritualidade - Quantum Phisics and Spirituality
Esta conferência possui uma base científica e matemática extremamente
elevada, porém apresentada de uma forma simples e tem como objetivo
elevar a espiritualidade a um patamar onde possa ser analisadas e
discutida de uma forma mais consistente.
Esta conferência se
desenvolve numa linguagem muito simples e pode ser de fácil compreensão
para os leigos em geral ou para aqueles onde a linguagem matemática não é
Procuramos demonstrar que certos fenômenos espirituais
podem ter uma luz diante dessas novas idéias e que não consiste em
nenhum absurdo perante o pensamento científico atual.
Homossexualidade e Espiritualidade
Homossexualidade e Espiritualidade
Laércio nos mostra como é a sexualidade dos espíritos nos planos astrais
e como ocorrem as diversas formas de homossexualidade quando essas
almas encarnam aqui na Terra.
Através dessa conferência fica
muito claro que a homossexualidade é um fenômeno totalmente natural e
harmônico com as potestades divinas que só necessita de esclarecimento e
compreensão de todos.
Sem o vínculo dos preconceitos religiosos e
culturais o professor mostra uma visão extremamente avançada de como a
sexualidade ocorre nos planos espirituais e como não existem apenas duas
manifestações sexuais no plano espiritual.
Laércio diferencia
muito bem o sexo biológico, macho e fêmea, da sexualidade da consciência
que pode manifestar uma nuance muito mais profunda e não apenas essa
Assistindo a essa conferência temos a certeza que
os homossexuais irão se sentir muito mais em paz consigo mesmos e sem
sentimentos de culpa para com o divino. Poderão viver sua
homossexualidade sem culpas.
Amor aos Animais
Amor aos Animais
ver video aqui
O homem espiritual do terceiro milênio tem que acordar para a matança dos animais e a exploração para os lucros capitalistas.
O verdadeiro amor deve se estender a todos os seres vivos da terra e quem ama não mata.
Quem ama não destrói.
Quem ama não come os animais.
seres humanos regam suas festas e comemorações com o sangue dos
inocentes. Quando o homem passar verdadeiramente a amar os animais um
grande karma planetário será eliminado de suas vidas e uma nova ordem
mundial será instalada pelos planos superiores.
Nunca se esqueça
que quando você está comendo carne você pagou para alguém matar um
animal pra você. Você pode fazer parte dessa nova ordem planetária
fazendo seu exercício de amar aos animais.
ver video aqui
A Procura do Verdadeiro Mestre
A Procura do Verdadeiro Mestre
ver video aqui
Sem dúvida nenhuma, o caminho espiritual necessita de bons mestres e
orientadores que possam nos dar diretrizes básicas para que possamos
encontrar por nós mesmos a essência de toda verdade.
É claro que
existem falsos mestres ou falsos gurus, portanto, é necessário que cada
discípulo avalie profundamente sua escola e seu mestre. Não se pode
deixar de valorizar os grandes professores e instrutores da humanidade
que sempre deram diretrizes para conduzir a todos a um estado de elevada
Nos dias de hoje como na antiguidade, a
importância de grandes instrutores e verdadeiros mestres é
imprescindível para o despertar da consciência cósmica superior no
materializado mundo atual. Os bons mestres existem e eles são os
avatares enviados a Terra nesses momentos de transição planetária.
Cabe aos verdadeiros espiritualistas procurá-los e certamente irá encontrá-los.
ver video aqui
A Filosofia e a Espiritualidade do Tai Chi Chuan
A Filosofia e a Espiritualidade do Tai Chi Chuan
Nesta conferência o prof. Laércio nos mostra a essência do Tai Chi Chuan e como essa maravilhosa arte pode transformar o ser.
professor é praticante de Tai Chi há mais de 38 anos e traz todo
conhecimento através de sua vivência e prática. Como professor Laércio
dirige sua escola de Tai Chi dando aulas e levando esse conhecimento
para todos os interessados.
A leveza e a suavidade do Tai Chi
provocam mudanças profundas no espírito humano levando-o a um contato
mais profundo consigo mesmo e com sua alma.
Temos certeza que em
sua busca espiritual o Tai Chi será a grande porta que o conduzirá aos
degraus mais alto da espiritualidade e transcendência.
Project Camelot Conf.- George Green An Insiders View of the Big Picture Whats Really Going On?
Project Camelot Conf.- George Green An Insiders View of the Big Picture Whats Really Going On?
AN INSIDERS VIEW OF THE BIG PICTURE WHATS REALLY GOING ON, with George Green. George Green's career extends from military service in the USAF (where he encountered alien disk craft in a remote hangar at Edwards AFB), through "playing monopoly" in corporate banking and large-scale construction, to working closely with the Pleiadians and other benevolent intelligences to "wake people up" in preparation for coming changes. Very few people we have talked to have a span of personal experience - and contacts - which is this broad. As George describes, he "used to run around with the big boys".
He was asked to build an enemy prisoner-of-war camp in downtown Las Vegas - he refused - and was asked to be Finance Chairman for the Carter campaign, but declined after it became clear to him that the ethics of many of the senior players were heavily compromised. Shortly after he turned down the offer, his loans were called in and he lost many millions of dollars as finance was removed from dozens of major construction projects. Undeterred, George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings.
He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems. His very important free e-book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, has been read by millions all over the world. George is a delight to listen to: relaxed, friendly and humorous. He has an extremely serious message: there is very little time left in which to prepare.
Telling us that his "sources" are informing him that too few people are "waking up" and that it is almost too late, his own bags are packed and he is about to relocate to Ecuador where he says that many "insiders" have bought real estate and have already left the United States. When asked when we might expect major changes to occur, his response is to look at his watch. "The moment we launch a strike against Iran is the moment no longer to be in the US," George says. "Pretty soon we'll be waking up one Monday morning to find that the world is no longer the same."
For more information on Georges work please visit www.NoHoax.com • Produced by www.ProjectCamelot.org at the Awake and Aware Conference on Sept 19, 20, 2009 in Burbank, California • Content recorded by www.LostArtsMedia.com • Camelot-3402 • 83 min
The Legacy Of Col. Philip Corso- UFO And ET Technology
The Legacy Of Col. Philip Corso- UFO And ET Technology
A decorated Colonel from inside the case thought it was time the world knew exactly what was going on.
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