Disclousure "Mind control"

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Financial Collapse is Imminent!!

Former head of the IMF = Dominque Strauss Kahn (JEWISH), CEO of Goldmann Sachs = Loyd BlankFEIN (JEWISH), Former head of the US Federal Reserve = Alan Greenspan (JEWISH), Current head of the US Federal Reserve = Ben SHALOM Bernanke (JEWISH), US Treasury Secretary = Timothy Geithner (JEWISH) , CEO of Lehman Brothers = Richard Fuld (JEWISH), Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) = Mary Shapiro (JEWISH)....the list is endless, it sounds like a Jewish wedding.

Source: Prometheus2012AD Youtube Video channel

Max Keiser: Collapse is Imminent!! 

On the Friday, August 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes economist, journalist and American broadcaster Max Keiser to discuss the warning signs of an impending economic collapse, the effect this will have globally and solutions that would bring us back from certain financial doom.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Keith Hunter is the author of "The Lost Art of High Knowledge".

We discuss how planetary alignments and ratios affect placement of military bases, nuclear explosions and earthquakes. As well as how consciousness affects earth changes and the role of harp what is playing out on planet Earth.


August 25 2012 - Banking Fraud Special

Coast to Coast AM - August 25 2012 - Banking Fraud Special 

Date: 08-25-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black, John Truman Wolfe

Corrupt bankers and businessmen quietly shape power across the globe. These men and women manipulate complex international financial systems to serve drug lords, politicians, tax cheats, and terrorists. Four banking experts (Robert Mazur, Barry James Dyke, William K. Black and John Truman Wolfe) joined John B. Wells, in separate hours, and exposed the terrifying truth about the financial fraud industry. 

tags; economia, crise economica, economy crisis, financial colapse, banking, police, barack obama, oprah winfrey, cristiano ronaldo, angelico vieira, oporto, google, facebook, twitter.gold, ouro, silver, prata, cia fbi, nsa, tv globo, maçon, masson, massonary, massonaria, 2012, earth changes.

THE COST - Government vs. Religion

THE COST - Government vs. Religion 

How much is your life worth according to religion & government?

Look for this information on your own:


Seek this type of personal knowledge for yourself.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Whistle Blower Radio with Kerry Cassidy - guest Doc Waterman - Revolution Radio

Whistle Blower Radio with Kerry Cassidy - guest Doc Waterman - Revolution Radio 

tags: earth changes 2012

Speaking From The Heart - Kerry Cassidy

Speaking From The Heart - Kerry Cassidy 

Candid interview with Host Lee Patrick Hanks & Amara from EmergingNewWorld.com
Speaking From the Heart w/ Kerry Cassidy coming from a different perspective and the Emergence of a New World View.....


tags: the star tracker, behind talents, gold, ouro, economy, economia, zeitgeist

Friday, August 3, 2012

Os Espíritos Sofredores

Os Espíritos Sofredores 

Click para ver o video de Laercio Fonseca 

O que são esses espíritos sofredores?
Por que eles se tornam encostos perturbadores?
Essas e outras dúvidas serão esclarecidas pelo professor Laércio nessa fascinante conferência.
Existem no mundo espiritual convivendo ao nosso lado milhões de espíritos que ainda vivem nas trevas da ignorância e distantes da luz do conhecimento. São espíritos que sofrem devido a seus estados kármicos e umbralinos que experimentam. Na convivência com os humanos encarnados eles passam a ressonar suas vibrações áuricas e transmitirem assim suas energias de perturbação nos ambientes, lares e famílias que sofrem com essa proximidade.

tags: espiritualidade, espirito, espiritos

David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video!

David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! 

Did human extraterrestrials visit Earth -- and predict a Golden Age will culminate in the year 2012, freeing us from evil, fear and doom?

Did the founding fathers of America inherit this prophecy -- and encode it directly into the Great Seal of the United States? Why is there a pyramid with an eye inside a glowing triangle? Is Novus Ordo Seclorum quoted from an ancient prophecy text -- the greatest and most secret treasure of the Roman Empire -- predicting that humans on Earth will transmute into "light beings" and achieve Apotheosis -- where Man becomes God -- and the 'Gods' themselves return?

David Wilcock reveals the stunning scientific proof that DNA and biological life emerge directly out of the Source Field... a universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness -- and we are indeed about to experience the Greatest Moment of All Time. Learn about the pineal gland, Illuminati, government conspiracy, UFOs, DMT, the Mayan Calendar and more!

PLEASE NOTE: Reposting is copyright infringement and will lead to takedowns and possible loss of your user account.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Inside The Mind of an MKUltra Killer with Author Fritz Springmeier

Inside The Mind of an MKUltra Killer with Author Fritz Springmeier


El Banco del Vaticano es el principal accionista de la mayor industria de armamentos en el mundo

El Banco del Vaticano es el principal accionista de la mayor industria de armamentos en el Mundo

see here the news.

Gregg Braden - Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate

Gregg Braden - Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate 

Gregg Braden's talk from the "2012 -- Gateway to Your Future Conference" that was held on October 22 -- 23, 2011, Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, Canada

To see the lecture from it's original source (with image presentation), go here:


''2012: Gateway to Your Future'' - Day Two
''Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate'' - Gregg Braden
23/10/2011 1:00:00 PM
Wisdom-Forum presentation - Oct. 23, 2011


The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave



I met the former U.S. Congressman Jim Traficant at the June Conspiracy Con conference where we were both speaking. His story is fascinating and revealing not only because it demonstrates the role and the power of the Israel lobby in America but because as a Congressman he acted with the courage of his convictions. A rare thing indeed.

Framed, and imprisoned in the U.S. for a crime he did not commit for nearly eight years, he is now a free man and he is talking. This man is a true White Hat and a real American patriot standing up for what is right.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Fritz Springmeier - Undetectable Mind Control

Fritz Springmeier - Undetectable Mind Control 

Fritz Springmeier talks about Undetectable Mind Control at the
Global Sciences Congress. Tampa, FL - 1997

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (PDF)


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bashar - Illuminati and Parallel Earths

Bashar - Illuminati and Parallel Earths


Jordan Maxwell - COTO Report Interview

Jordan Maxwell - COTO Report Interview


Elite child sex slaves "1981" forgotten documentary

Elite child sex slaves "1981" forgotten documentary 

Disturbing public access documentary from 1981 that later was proven true ... to the Franklin cover up , the pedo priests , the Sandusky fiasco we see today. This is a ongoing theme we see in the upper crusts of our society pedophilia with young boys within major respectable institutions. I personally do not understand it.



Here is an interview with John Lear on Coast to Coast AM - March 31st, 2012