Disclousure "Mind control"
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Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.
Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Journey of Souls - Book
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives
Order Book Now!
Tags: Alex Collier, Jonh Lear, illuminati, love, inconditional love, spirituality, Andromeda council, new planets, planets, star system, project camelot, dolores cannon, george kavassilas, youtube, google, facebook, law of atraction.
Audio: Information on Ascension and the Merkaba
Audio: Information on Ascension and the Merkaba
Audio File Only:
Important Information on Ascension and the Merkaba
What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.
Around the world, so much is misunderstood about the Mer-Ka-Ba, the light body created by the brain that surrounds the physical body. And how the Mer-Ka-Ba is involved with ascension into a new world is also misunderstood. In this audio, we will explain essential parts of this knowledge, and also why the Mer-Ka-Ba was altered in the way that we activate it around our body. It is no longer activated manually as it was with the Flower of Life, but is now activated in the ancient manner through the heart, which is so much easier. This new/ancient teaching is called Awakening The Illuminated Heart.
What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Important Information on Ascension and the Merkaba
What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.
Around the world, so much is misunderstood about the Mer-Ka-Ba, the light body created by the brain that surrounds the physical body. And how the Mer-Ka-Ba is involved with ascension into a new world is also misunderstood. In this audio, we will explain essential parts of this knowledge, and also why the Mer-Ka-Ba was altered in the way that we activate it around our body. It is no longer activated manually as it was with the Flower of Life, but is now activated in the ancient manner through the heart, which is so much easier. This new/ancient teaching is called Awakening The Illuminated Heart.
What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Audio: Information on Ascension and the Merkaba
George Kavassilas - Half of humanity ascends to the 5th dimension on March 21, 2013
George Kavassilas - Half of humanity ascends to the 5th dimension on March 21, 2013
tags: antonio borges, bpn, banco bpn, cgd, caixa geral de depositos, ascendi, parcerias publico privadas, socrates, pedro passos coelho, prós e contras, felicidade, anjos, espiritualidade, arcanjos, 5th dimension, spirituality, mother earth Gaia - Sophia, mother earth Gaia, other worlds, almas, souls, espiritos, espirito, greve, protesto, desemprego, fome, fmi, troika, portugal, brasil, brazil, angola, moçambique, universe, universo, alex collier, love, amor, amor incondicional, laercio fonseca, oprah winfrey, barack obama, john lear, paralel universes, universos paralelos.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Bob Dean Presents US Government Disclosure Refusal on UFOs
Bob Dean Presents US Government Disclosure Refusal on UFOs
Sic, Anselmo Crespo, economista Paulo Pinto, livro "Num Mundo faz de conta", pros e contras, prós e contras, meo, portugal, economia, lisboa, porto, buzinão, governo, pedro passos coelho, privatização rtp, paulo baldaia, luis delgado, julia pinheiro, ricardo costa, miguel sousa tavares, josé gomes ferreira, pacheco pereira, crise em Portugal, movimento dos indignados, europa, ocde, antonio seguro, godinho lopes, jose mourinho, cristiano ronaldo, fome, abandono, desemprego, emprego, alberto joao jardim, jesualdo ferreria, antonio jose seguro, antónio josé seguro, ps, psd, cds, pcp, marinho pinto, ordem dos advogados, homens da luta, sabado á luta.
David Wilcock Makes Breakthroughs in Astrology, Astronomy and Gravity. January 13, 2012
David Wilcock Makes Breakthroughs in Astrology, Astronomy and Gravity. January 13, 2012
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