Disclousure "Mind control"

Here in this blog you will find subjects like:

Religion Disclousure , Politic Disclousure, Mind Control, Health Mobile Disclousure, Bildberg Group, Zeitgeist, Meditation, Aliens, ET´s, Artificial Inteligence, Black ops, Mk Ultra Files, SCI/TK Files(above Top Secret Security), Cosmos, Mars, Moon, Telepathy, Levitation, Teletransport, Spirituality, Awakening, Vatican, Missing Children (agreedment), Illuminati, Galatic Federation of Planets, Galatic Federation of Light, God Mind, Dimentions of Universe, Moon, Mars, Dark Energy, Universe Portals and other Worlds, Vortex Energy, Footbal Massive Mind Control, Alien Technology, Angels, Alien contactee´s, Life after Death, Karma, Chakras, Reverse Speech, Quantum Physic, Healing Energy, Paralel Universes, Dolphins and Consciousness, Remote Viewing, Missing and Hidden Books of History and God Mind, Divine Matrix, Illuminati Music Industry, Vortex Energy, Universe Portals, Astronomy, Astrophisics, Astroteology, Universe Stargates, Organite Energy, Pyramids Truth, The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human, End Monetary System by 2022, Lightworkers, Light Servers, 2014 The New Earth, Akashic Record, Andromeda Council, the Failing Global Banking System & Healthcare, Extraterrestres, Ets, Religião, Politica, Vida depois da Morte, Fisica Quantica, Epiritualidade, Portais do Universo, Universo Paralelo, Consciencia, Vida na 4ª Dimensão em 2014, Colapso Financeiro, Fim do Sistema Monetário em 2022, Avatares da Nova Era, A Nova Terra em 2014, Matrix Divina, Lua, Marte, Astronomia, Astrofisica, Astroteologia, Telepatia, Levitação, Teletransporte.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

George Kavassilas - Co-ordinated False Light Attack on Humanity

George Kavassilas - Co-ordinated False Light Attack on Humanity
tags: vida no espaço, 3 planetas

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Syncretism; The true Theology.

Syncretism; The true Theology. Part One 

Part Two


How to fully activate Pineal Gland antennas (Drunvalo Melchizedek)

How to fully activate Pineal Gland antennas (Drunvalo Melchizedek) 


Jordan Maxwell ~ Signs of Destiny II

Jordan Maxwell ~ Signs of Destiny II 

tags: governo, homens da luta

Para la gente de Argentina y todos los Españoles - Entrevista Tolec

Para la gente de Argentina y todos los Españoles - Entrevista Tolec 

tags: spain, espanha, spana.



 tags: greys, alien contact, angels, anjos, andromeda race, andromeda council, jesus, deus, god, alex collier, new wave, astronomy, past lifes, past life, astronomia, others worlds, outros mundos.

Governo Sombrio - Bem vindos a Nova Ordem Mundial

Governo Sombrio - Bem vindos a Nova Ordem Mundial

 tags: pedro passos coelho, cavaco silva, seguro, psd, ps, miguel sousa tavares, ricardo araujo pereira, rtp1, rtp2, sic, sic radical, futebol, cristiano ronaldo, greve, protesto, revolução, indignados.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Who is God - (Quem é Deus) Legendado para o inglês

Who is God - (Quem é Deus) Legendado para o inglês 

 ver video

Ammach in America Bob Dean & Bob Brown

Ammach in America Bob Dean & Bob Brown

tags: nato, onu, pedro passos coelho, jose socrates, nasa, cia, coca cola, mitsubishi, cavaco silva, durao barroso, lady gaga, justin bieber, economia, protesto, homens da luta, sabado a luta, economy, greve, funcao publica, edp, galp, meo internet, meo, ricardo araujo pereira, comentador politico, mind control barack obama, oprah winfrey, end world hunger now.

Steve Quayle GENESIS 6 GIANTS Pt. I and II

Steve Quayle GENESIS 6 GIANTS Pt. I 

 Part II

Como fugir para as montanhas

Como fugir para as montanhas