Disclousure "Mind control"

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Scott Mandelker - Almas Extraterrestres en la Humanidad

Part 1
- Intro Scott Mandelker
- Scotts book and studies
- Walk-ins and ET wanderers
- ET channeling

Part 2
- Other ET races
- Planetary chages
- Earth being a schoolhouse
- Love or Control
- Infinity
- Cosmic Law of Freewill
- Negitive ET's
- How to know if your a wanderer

Part 3
- The 100 million ET wanderers
- Service to humanity
- Indigo and crystal children
- Children assuming leadership positions
- Wanderer questioneer
- Are you an ET soul?

Part 4
- Critical of the New Age movement
- New Age ideas being ancient
- Majority of New Age movement people are really ET souls
- Many Ancients gained knowledge from other ET races
- Negitive and Positive ET's
- The goal and objective of Negitive ET groups
- Orion

Part 5
- Negative Forces and Star Wars
- Love vs Fear
- Goverments direct contact with ET groups
- ET Disclosure
- UFO sightings/Government ships
- ET souls here voluntaraly
- Beings of Light
- Contracts coming to and end now
- Leaving Earth

Part 6
- Many other planets going through the same as we are right now
- 2010,2012
- Transmuation
- The Harvest
- The Lessons of Love

VIDEO from http://margaretwendt.com/

Scott Mandelker - Almas Extraterrestres en la Humanidad (1 _ 5) 

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


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