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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part I - Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown

"Occupy Adam's Calendar" A multi-part film by Alfred Lambremont Webre

"Occupy Adam's Calendar, Part I - ET Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown" is the first release in a multi-part film by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The film is a tour de force on the science of extraterrestrial intervention and genetic manipulation of our Earth human species as seen through the genius of University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown. The film grows out of Occupy Adam's Calendar, a 280,000 year-old Anunnaki extraterrestrial site in South Africa. On November 28, 2011 international researchers including University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown joined activist and author Michael Tellinger to Occupy Adam's Calendar, break the cycle of Anunnaki occupation, and reveal it to the world.

From the Introduction: "Occupy Adam's Calendar"

"280,000 years ago, Anunnaki extraterrestrials in the Deep Abzu (South Africa) established a vast machine for teleporting gold to their planet.

"These Anunnakl extraterrestrials also devolved our DNA from a 12-strand DNA to a 2-strand DNA.

"The Anunnaki extraterrestrial occupation of Gaia and homo sapiens continues to this day.

"Queen Elizabeth Windsor is current Anunnaki bloodline planetary ruler, maintaining perpetual war, Gaia exploitation (GOD = Gold, oil, drugs), and devolving homo sapiens DNA.

Her grandson, Prince William, is being groomed as planetary Anunnaki bloodline King, heir to Adam's Calendar.

"On 11.11.11, the government of Deep Abzu (South Africa) closed Adam's Calendar, the Anunnaki gold teleportation machine, to the public.

"Occupy Adam's Calendar

"On 11.28.11, international researchers joined activist and author Michael Tellinger to Occupy Adam's Calendar, break the cycle of Anunnaki occupation, and reveal it to the world.

"'Occupy Adam's Calendar' Part I - ET Genetic Manipulation with geneticist William Brown" is the first release in this multi-part film by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The film "Occupy Adam's Calendar" is a Faculty Project of :
ExoUniversity.org: Continuing Education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics.




Quantum Electrodynamics of the Biological System


"The Light-Encoded DNA Filament and Biomolecular Quantum Communication" by William Brown, University of Hawaii (PDF)

Download Synopsis - The Light Encoded DNA Filament and Biomolecular Quantum Communication

Occupy Adam's Calendar, Part I - Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown 


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