Disclousure "Mind control"

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dr. Steven Greer : Practical Applications Unbounded Mind

Dr. Steven Greer : Practical Applications Unbounded Mind - (Part 1)
Dr. Steven Greer : Practical Applications Unbounded Mind - (Part 2)

tags: politic disclousure, consciousness, consciência, felicidade, happiness, amor, love, earth changes, mother earth, sun, two suns, illuminati, greys, reptilian, jesus, fatima, bob dean, alex collier, coast to coast am, presidente, dilma, cavaco silva, marcelo rebelo de sousa, Miguel sousa tavares, cristiano Ronaldo, jose mourinho, euro, dinheiro, Money, economia, economy, primeiro ministro, pedro passos coelho, ana drago, radio TSF, soul, alma, project camelot, law of attraction, andromeda council, força aérea, psp, lisbon, lisboa, the star tracker, nasdak, best, millenium bcp, caixa geral de depósitos, bpi, tota e açores, bancos, banco, bpn, bpp, Duarte lima, dias loureiro, presidente republica, governo, governmente, barack obama, Oprah winfrey, cnn, fox, fox live, Deus, seres celestiais, dimensões, vaticano, vatican, paulo portas, deputados, nokia, Vodafone, optimus, facebook, twitter, bill gates, Google, brazil, brasil, ford, ferrari, desporto, desport, german, germany, MTV, american idols, american idol, coca cola, coca-cola, youtube, big brother, time travel, ricardo araujo pereira.

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